Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Scouts

I’ve met some nice folks here at Scenic Beach. Among them are some of the Boy Scout leaders who kayak in here to spend a night about every week. Kayaking is big here on Hood Canal and around the Sound. Or it seems so to me. The Scouts come in from Camp Parsons across the canal. I see Harrison, the High Activity Director frequently. Harrison is a fairly recent graduate of Washington State University. I was relating my experiences as a scout to him a couple of weeks ago and mentioned that I had started as a Cub Scout way back in 1949 or thereabouts. He just looked at me for a few seconds and said……………………….. Wow!
It may have been 1950. But the effect was fun and its nice to see scouting alive and well in some places. Just last week we had a Troop from Oregon City and I met Don. The pictures show the Oregon City Troop leaving after spending the night tenting in the park. They are taken from the bulkhead overlooking the beach and Hood Canal, viewed generally west with the Olympic Mountains and Hurricane Ridge in the background.

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