I may not get much more than enough to pay my Medicare part B but I am now on the Social Security rolls. Ain’t it grand. I didn’t have enough earnings to get more than the minimum and I have to pay about 60% of that back because of the Windfall Elimination Provision for Civil Service retirees but I ain’t complaining. 40% of a little is still better than 100% of nothing. I think my math is correct there?
So with that windfall we decided to get a new motorhome. We had looked in Portland in the spring and had thought about it then. But at that time financing was difficult if not impossible and it didn’t work out. Now it has. So we have a new 2008 Fleetwood Southwind 35A. It’s one of the two we considered earlier. There was a Winnebago 35A and the Fleetwood. The 35A kind of refers to the floor plan with some minor differences. In the case of the 35A the major feature is the galley or kitchen and lots of counter space. As Kat says, “there are lots of really neat motorhomes with all kinds of bells, whistles, whiz bangs, and wine racks, but no room to make biscuits.” I may have embellished on that a bit but the point is that it is not the case with this model. I (the cook) have a kitchen now and we have lots of other doodads and neat things.
Now all we have to do is get it loaded. I know we have more storage space but when you are continuous travelers like us there’s lots of stuff that has to find a home. There may be more storage but its different and there is the rub. It’s been a week now and we’re still getting things organized. Thank goodness we have the Oyster Shanty. That’s the little house we’re parked next to where we stored a bunch of stuff during the exchange of coaches. But were about done I think. We’ll know in a few days. We pull out on the 14th.
Slight change of plans for our start direction. We’re going to do a little shake down of the new MH and head back through Oregon before we get too far away from the dealer. Then we’ll head on south and east slowly making it back to the RGV for winter. So we’ll get a chance to see all the kids again. And Toni is coming up this way for a reunion so we’ll see her here and in California on our way south. The only thing certain is that we won’t be anywhere that’s cold. Not if I can help it.
So now you’re probably saying to yourself or maybe to me. He didn’t update the blog with new pictures. All in good time, all in good time. Remember I’m a working man right now and need a little time to get things a bit more photogenic. OK, I went to the Olinger website and got pictures that are our MH. Just kind of sterile with none of our personal touch or surroundings. Later.
Oh! And that Social Security. I got my first check before Kat got hers and its killing her. Remember her birthday song and all that. She applied at least two months before I did. I told her I just have better SS people and am more eligible than she. But I wouldn’t ‘rub it in’ or anything. Well! Maybe just a little!
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