Saturday, August 15, 2009


That would be a proper name, not a verb. It’s our name for the young buck deer who has been foraging at our bird feeders. That and eating apples and corn. Kat bought some bird food that has some corn in it and the birds we have here don’t like corn, so I’ve been throwing it in the bushes. The first time he showed up he was eating that corn from the flat feeder and really enjoying it. Spike is really a ‘two point’, I think that is the terminology (?), if not, one of our woodsman friends can correct me. He’s been hanging around for two or three days now and I think we have created a monster. Now he’s hard to chase away. Of course you have to question our motives when at the same time I’m talking about chasing him away, Kat is buying him pears. She said, “well they were cheaper than apples!” He’s been here so much that Jade doesn’t even seem to think its much of a matter.

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