Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Express Version

Kat and I have been suffering from a cold and or flu.  Maybe the Texas Crud.  First I had a sore throat and cough for a couple of days and then Kat had something worse after me.  She was down for 5-6 days after some upchucking and headaches.  Then I thought I was getting that, but I must have had the Express version.  I started getting a real upset stomach and fever and went to bed. About 2-3 hours later I woke up and the fever had broke and I was feeling better.  That was four nights ago when the weather was crummy and it didn’t so much matter because of it.  Now I think we're both pretty much over it and the weather is getting better right on time. Looks like today I will actually spend some time outside carving. Yesterday I did a little clean up from all the cold and what ice we had. I had to rake off all our dead Wandering Jew plant. I kind of remember having some of that back home as an indoor plant; maybe?? Here it grows outside and has little pink flowers all over. Better than what I remember anyway. And I’m told it will grow back.
We've had our new car for what? Two weeks!  And we have about 200 miles on it.  About half of that is bringing it home and going back twice to sign papers and stuff.  But we'll be making up for it I think.  We did get our Oregon plates, that was quick. And our tow package parts are in at Camping World and we’ll get that taken care of next Monday. In the meantime we’ll try to get in a trip over to the coast; South Padre Island or Corpus Christie.  Or maybe old Mexico, we haven't been there yet.  We'll go to Progresso and walk across the border.  No driving into Mexico, especially now.  But Progresso is safe.  Like I've said, I would rather go there than some places in any of our US metro areas. 
Jade is crawling around the laptop wanting out. I guess that is better than a few days ago when she was prowling around wanting out,  not remembering that 10 minutes ago she was knocking on her door knocker to get in because of the cold and wind.  We were being overrun by a cold front. That was the day we got up and it was 66 at 7:00 AM and then it dropped to about fifty and felt a lot colder.  Lots of wind down here.  I remember one old farmer told me many years ago in Mineral Wells, when I was going through flight school, "ain't nothing between here and Canada to stop the wind but a barb wire fence and too often some fool leaves the gate open".  But I guess there is no danger for Jade, the wind ain't going to move her 'fat ass'.  Poor thing just doesn't get enough exercise.  Always on her string!  The only exercise she gets is chasing the laser light occasionally and watching the birds.
And now I have a favor to ask of all our emailing friends. This will be hard for some of you. But what I ask is that you be just a little more judicious in what you send and forward. Kat and I do most of our communication through email because it fits our lifestyle. So that’s all of our families and friends. If all of you, and you know who you are, sent what some of you do, we would be swamped. Some days we are. Maybe you could pretend they all cost 44 cents to mail so they would have to be worth the postage. And what you do send should be cleaned up before you do. We shouldn’t have to scroll down through two pages of addressees to get to the body of the thing. Only our 97 year old Uncle Charlie gets free reign, and he cleans his up. We can tell he’s OK and judge how he feels by the number of his emails we get. All the others eat peanut butter except Grandma and she drives a Buick. Don’t get us wrong we enjoy and want to hear from all of you. But sometimes it does get onerous. And short notes are better than a page of jokes and other things. Oh !! I agree with almost all of my political friends but I read it all and chances are I have already seen it.
Now what didn’t I say. I didn’t say stop sending anything. I said be more judicious. Are we clear????? You should say, Crystal!!!!! But shoot, this doesn’t even apply to my faithful Blog readers. And remember I may send a lot in one posting but it’s only one email. Only one!

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