Thursday, February 23, 2012

Not so bad

In order to understand this you might want to read the previous post, if you have not.

The trip to San Antonio was uneventful. Just an easy trip up I-35. We didn’t pick the best RV park but it was the most reasonably priced and only 12 miles to Audie Murphy hospital where we had to go, and that is why we came here. If you remember that was by order of my PCP, Dr Barriero, in McAllen. She was concerned about some perineal fluid retention or some such that was found in my latest CT scan. So we got to San Antonio, set up real quick and drove to Audie Murphy. We probably waited about 4 hours in emergency, but it was ‘emergency’ so we were kind of prepared. I was checked out, got an X-ray, peed in the cup, gave about 8 pints of blood and then waited around. Fortunately I had a copy of my CT scan report so that helped the doctor understand the situation. My kidneys are always of concern because of the uretal stents. AND !! Ta Da and a drum roll. My kidneys are fine. As the doctor said, “they are functioning properly, perfect”. I do have another infection though. Urinary tract this time. Before it was kidney, and before that it was bladder, or visa versa? So I got an antibiotic and we were released after a total of 8 hours. I do have to go back and see the urologist today, but that shouldn’t be a big deal I think. We’ll have to let you know on that score. But, as usual we were treated well and had no complaints.

Speaking of being treated well; both Kat and I are amazed at our send off from Bentsen Grove. Even before that there were the many and continuous offers of help, support, and kind thoughts from all of our neighbors and friends. Speaking mostly for me, there just aren’t better people than those in the woodcarving group. Once again you made me feel like a Rock Star. I know Kat has similar feelings for her craft group friends as well. We will keep in touch and make every effort to get back in the fall. So for those who get this, please share our thoughts and thanks for those who didn’t.

And now I can report that we will resume our trip west in the morning. I saw the urologist in Audie Murphy and he says this whole kerfuffle (need some help on spelling there) about retaining fluid and a urinary tract infection weren’t worth the effort. We’re taking is opinion. “JACKS UP”

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Such a Day

Here’s something new.  Kat’s first posting in the Blog.  As you will read it was a tough day and I pretty much just crashed after we got to Laredo.  As well as being tough it was eventful and Kat wrote about it.  She read it to me and I thought it was definitely worthy of being in the Blog.  So here ya’ go !!!


Left Mission, and stopped to have the front tire on the motor home repaired because it had a slow leak.  Well, they can patch it, but they can't put it back on the front, it will have to go on the back wheel now.  Well, okay, you might as well rotate the tires.... Not like a car, you can't just take the wheel  off the hub and roll it back to the rear, you have to take the tire off the rim and put in on one of the dual rims before you can put it on the back. "Do you want those balanced?"  2.5 hours later and $299.00 (which probably cheaper than other paces) Now, we are back on the road, but it's almost time for lunch, cripes. Well, we will pull into a Walmart, need more milk anyway. Quick trip, but the engine won't turn over in the motor home, this is the second time Randy had to hit auxiliary and start it off the house batteries. So, down the road, we go.  But what happens if we get to a park for the night and it won't start?  So, another Walmart stop. $110.00 later and a battery we had to put in ourselves.  Randy lifted that turkey and he really should not have but Walmart rang it up and they told us OH, we can't install it in a motor home. So rather than have to go through customer service get a refund and then go find a battery retailer who WILL  install it. Randy did it.  And between the two Walmart stops, Randy’s Primary Care doctor calls him and tells him that he is retaining fluid in his peritoneal cavity and he should see a urologist soon.  So, guess where we are headed tomorrow?  San Antonio !  That is the closest full service VA facility.

When Randy had the CT scan done, the fluid was mentioned in the report we took a copy of to the Oncology doctor and we ask about this fluid.  The oncology (chemo) doctor said it wasn't enough to worry about, but he isn't a urologist, The primary care doctor, who just got around to reading that same report isn't a urologist either,,, so, we are going to San Antonio again.  And with any luck on to Phoenix to the VA there, without further issues.

Randy and I are both itchy to travel, that is what we do, that is what we like, but health comes first and I've read good things about Phoenix VA Cancer treatment, so better there for now, than say Seattle. Not ready for that fog, rain, cold, gray, nasty weather.  We would love to see our kids though.  It's been forever !!  The grandchildren are driving for goodness sakes.  One of mine has a almost 2 year old boy I've never seen. But Phoenix will be fine until May or June lol

We are staying at Lake Casa Blanca (Laredo) tonight and there was a beautiful sun set.  Will start making phone calls to San Antonio VA as soon as we get moving tomorrow.

Pray, cross your fingers, spit and turn around three times. What ever it takes.

Oh, forgot about the basement storage compartment coming open.  This annoying little red car kept beeping at us and Randy saw in the mirror the door on the drivers side was up and open. Had to stop between Walmarts and close that, it was locked, guess just not latched.  Back on the road it dawns on me I stuffed the rest of the yarn for the afghan I'm working on in that storage compartment and it's gone.  The Linen color accent yarn was running short and I was afraid I wouldn't have enough to finish and I have already tried 3 Walmarts, Hobby Lobby and Michaels in the Mission area and can't find that color. But the same Walmart in Laredo where we got the battery had that color yarn so I bought 2 skeins which I hope will be enough. So, our luck is already changing.  It's going to be a great ride to San Antonio, with good reports from the doctor there. 

So there ya’ have it. 


Friday, February 17, 2012

Time to move

The Super Bowl is over and the Patriots lost. I really didn’t have a dog in that fight so it wasn’t a big deal but I still don’t like the Patriots. Neither the Patriots or the Giants were the best representatives I thought, but there they were. Another less than super Super Bowl. But how about Kyle Stanley? If you didn’t notice and you probably didn’t, he was the young golfer who led the PGA tournament of the week two weeks ago from start through the 71st hole and then was tied on the 72nd and final hole, after having a three shot lead, and then lost in the playoff. This would have been his first PGA win and meant all kinds of perks, bennies, invitations and exemptions. What a crusher!!! I mean this would have been like losing a 4 or 5 million dollar lottery after getting 71 of the first 72 numbers and losing on the 72nd. Or maybe missing the proverbial chip shot field goal to win the Super Bowl or National Championship. Being a golfing fan I can kind of relate. Your heart has to go out !! And you wonder what would this do to ones psyche. Is that something you come back from anytime soon or ever? Well, you know what? He came back and won the next weeks PGA tour event. He made about a four foot putt to close it out. Not an easy task. But it was really cool !!

On the personal front I’ve finished my last scheduled chemo and had a visit with the doctor. Everything looks pretty good. My tumor and the whatever it was on my lymph nodes is reduced in size. Cool! But, the doc is in favor of continuing chemo a while longer. He thinks another three months worth or maybe nine more treatments. And he doesn’t want me to spend too much time getting started again. Maybe a month or so. But as I think I have said, “I am not spending another summer in South Texas. Soo.. with the doctors blessing we are fixin on heading closer to home. For now we’ll head up the Rio Grande through El Paso and the I-8, I-10 corridor into NM and AZ, then CA and on up to the Northwest. Leaving on the 21st. Of course now we’ll be looking a little faster. Meaning we’re checking on VA hospitals that can handle it. We were thinking maybe Roseburg OR would work as a good base but now we’re not so sure. It will be somewhere between Phoenix and Seattle for sure. For now at least, I feel a little better every day as I get further removed from my last chemo treatment. But chemo still sucks. Although it’s hard to argue with my results.