Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Michigan's first Living brain donor

You can see I needed a cold compress after getting the results or maybe it was just too much reading. It was a very good book. The Quest, Bernard Smith.

Did you happen to watch the Miss America Pageant? For want of something better to watch or do we had it on. Kat was on the ‘net’ and I was doing some reading but then we both got sucked in. My selections never do well and this was not much of an exception. And Miss Oregon was disappointing. Anyway, the girls I liked kept being eliminated until the only one I liked was Oklahoma. I kept saying Miss Maine was entirely too tall at 6’6” and Michigan was trying too hard and thought she had ‘it’ and was using way to much of ‘it’! They came to the ‘question’ and Oklahoma knocked the “Arizona immigration” question out of the park and Maine did real well too but I forget what is was? Michigan’s answer sounded like her I.Q. was a lot lower then her bust size. Not only did she not know the answer, she didn’t even understand the question. So then it was three. I said OK, Oklahoma (no pun intended), maybe Maine (it was a good answer and maybe it made her look a little shorter), but please not Michigan. Maine goes next and I’m thinking OK! (This time you got it right?) And then they picked Michigan. Being from Ohio, that is hard to accept; I mean come on! It’s Michigan! And then she is perhaps Michigan’s first living brain donor! Oh well! It’s 2010! Why should I be surprised?

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