Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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   Me & Karen                                                                                                      
Memphis has become a regular stop when we’re anywhere in the area.  We always stop and see Kat’s cousin Eddie and now we see our friends and fellow Winter Texans Karen and Bill.  So we did both.  Eddie, Lynda and Granny are all well.  Kat, Lynda and Granny went shopping while I watched football and played Pickleball with Bill and Karen.  They play at a nice facility in Germantown and I was made to feel very welcome by the folks who play there.  Would that I had been able to play a little better.  Haven’t played for a while and it showed.  Still it was fun.
As usual we stayed at the Ag (Agriculture) Center.  Kind of a state farm with a Farmers Market, lots of things growing, the Ducks Unlimited center, lots of nice bike trails, and places to walk.  And close to what we need to be close to. 
No trip to Memphis is complete without barbecue.  And we didn’t slack off a bit.  Kat and I went to ‘Corky’s’  which is supposedly world famous.  We went to ‘Neely’s’ with Bill and Karen and then we went to ‘The Commissary’ with Eddie and Lynda.  This trip ‘The Commissary’ won hands down. 
Along with our trip to Neely’s with Bill and Karen they took us down to ‘Mud Island’ and the River Walk along the Mississippi.  Neat place!  As I recall the River walk is an exact scale model of the Lower Mississippi River flowing from its confluence with the Ohio River at  Cairo, Illinois 954 miles south to the Gulf of Mexico. There are twenty cities mapped along the walk and four watershed walls that show the drainage of the upper river.  Water flows along the whole contoured length and empties into an acre size Gulf of Mexico.  It was designed using Corps of Engineers survey and navigational charts and somehow water depth is maintained to be reflective of the current water depth in the river.  The whole thing is 2000 feet long at 30 inches to the mile.  And you can play in it.  Man could Bruce, Doug, and I have had fun in that.  (If you remember my last post?) What a setup huh?

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