Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Seabeck Addendum

As you know I like a little history and there is some here. (Well duh!) Anyway Seabeck got off to a great start in the lumber industry and for a time around the middle of the 19th century looked like it might be the center of commerce in the Puget Sound area. There were those who thought it would best or at least rival Seattle. That was, until the big fire in 1873 ( I think ?). The fire wiped out the wood mill and pretty much the rest of Seabeck to the point that it did not recover. There is still downtown and uptown though. At least that’s what the sign says. I guess you can see from the pictures that it no longer compares to Seattle. But it was a long time ago and Nancy, Harry, and Barney weren’t around to bail them out.

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