Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Third Street all decked out for Christmas-The Craft Girls and there new sweatshirts-The Bentsen Grove parade float.
Mission has been our goal since March of ‘06’ when we first came through here. We liked it so much we planned on spending a couple of months here the next year in the winter of ’07-08’. Unfortunately we couldn’t make it because of my medical situation. But Bentsen Grove saved our deposit for us until this winter of ’08-09’ and here we are.

It has lived up to expectations. The park has all the activities we could want and then some, and of course in this lifestyle we always meet nice people and make new friends. I have joined the woodcarving group; the Easy Bleeders, and most recently taken up ‘Pickle Ball’. Carving has been a kick. We have a really good group and I am learning some new stuff. Quite a bit actually. Our nominal leader, Tom, has been carving for 30 odd years and is very knowledgeable. He has given a couple of classes, but it’s all very relaxed and fun. It’s one of those groups where a thick skin helps because of the good natured ribbing. “The first liar doesn’t have a chance” kind of a place! Pickle Ball is great. It’s maybe best described as a combination of table tennis and real tennis, played on a smaller court than tennis with a paddle and whiffle ball. There is less ground to cover and we play doubles (men’s, ladies and mixed too, of course) which makes it better for us seniors. Being seniors there is much less testosterone in evidence than there would have been in years gone by, but there are a few of us who get a little competitive when playing each other. But we’re nice most of the time. It’s a little slower than tennis, but challenging and good exercise. My knees have not been cooperating very well though. I’m trying to work through it. I’ll either make it, or it will kill me. Kat has taken up Swimnastics and crocheting and knitting in a big way. She goes to the pool two hours a day four or five days a week. I join her sometimes after her class and then she even does more. And we go other times to the pool and hot tub just because we can. Kat took up knitting a couple of months ago just to fill time and relax while riding. She has really taken it to another level down here. Now its knitting and crocheting and new projects. I think she is the ‘online expert’ for her craft group which meets three or four nights a week to knit and gab. I think mostly to gab. But she keeps up on the news that way. We don’t do that in carving (LOL). Her latest project was a cover for my Pickle Ball paddle. It’s blue and white with a red pocket in the middle for looks. Real cool! And the envy of all.

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