Sunday, March 2, 2008

Big Lagoon

Well we’re in Florida at Big Lagoon state park. We walked the board walk over the swamp and down to the beach and made a trip to Wal-Mart and the Laundromat. What a deal huh? I couldn’t think of anything else we did and asked J/Kat. It didn’t take her long to respond and I quote. “Well we found the first ‘latte stand’ we’ve seen in a thousand miles and went to the crappiest Laundromat ever!” That’s pretty much true so I’ll elaborate. We were looking to do the laundry, so when we noticed an ad on the park map we assumed it would be OK. Well we all should remember that when you assume, you make an ‘ass’ of ‘u’ and ‘me’. We pulled up to this Laundromat and J/Kat started unloading the laundry right away while I took a look (this was a case of role reversal here, because I always carry the laundry; just so you know!). But I looked in and told Kat she may want to look before she did anymore unloading. This was a working Laundromat because things were going around and around, but you talk about a filthy rust bucket of a place. We loaded our stuff and got out of there before we were ‘guilty by association’. What a piece of crap. I really don’t know how things stayed together and ran they were so rusty? Sooooo. We drove around a little and looked until we saw the aforementioned ‘latte stand’ and made an emergency stop*. The very nice ‘coffee girl’ told us of a Laundromat down the road a way and passed Wal-Mart and even called to make sure it was the place she was thinking of, and, were they were open? They were, and Kat got a latte, the ‘coffee girl’ got a pretty good tip and we got the laundry done. It was a very nice place and it was not far passed the Wal-Mart which is almost never a bad thing.

*You may know this if you’re from the south, but if you’re from someplace else you would find that there are very view coffee shops down here. Oh you might find a “Starbucks” in a new shopping mall or in a newer more ‘yuppie’ section of town, but that’s about it. Ain’t no “Starbucks” in southern, rural America! Best you’re going to find is a stale cup of coffee at the “Circle K”.

But they have ‘sweet tea’ and that is a very, very good thing! And that is another story!

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