Thursday, February 21, 2008

Betty's RV Park

At Sam Houston Jones State Park in Louisiana we met a couple who had been to Grand Isle and I quizzed them about it. They learned that we were going to try Betty’s RV Park on the way and mentioned they wanted to go there but couldn’t fit it in to their schedule. They asked if we would call and tell them about it. I said I’d rather do email. This is what I wrote to Guy and Peggy.

We got there OK after a couple of wrong turns due to faulty navigation{not my fault). I know you've been through Louisiana before so you know that the roads are awful in places. From Sam Houston Jones to Betty's they were pretty bad most if not all of the way. The park is small and crowded. My former stick built house was on a 3/4 acre lot and I don't think Betty's is that large. And she put 15 RV's on it. We were parked in the driveway so the step came out into traffic. It wasn't necessarily unsafe for us, with reasonable care we weren't going to get run over, but we couldn't tie out the cat. And we had virtually no space, no picnic table, no nothing. I might have had 2 or 3 feet in front and behind the coach to set out a chair. Some units were side by side with a little room but I wouldn't want to park where I was for very long. We did have cable TV but no sewer, and no shower/bathhouse. (Most sites did have sewer and we knew we would not) That's pretty much the bad news. I'm sure I could have taken a chair some place not right under someone's window and done a little, whittling, reading, or just sit in the sun, but it would have been nice next to my rig.

Here's the good news. Betty and all her guests were just great. Betty was right out when we got there and helping us set up and get squared away. She told us there was a social hour every day at 4:00 PM and there was. Everyone including Betty was there. Some of the ladies (not to be discriminating, but in this case it was just the ladies) brought finger food and we all sat around and talked for an hour or so. Very nice and I think it was pretty much the case that this was one big happy family. I know that RV'ers in general are a friendly group and these folks epitomize that. Most have been there a while and are back regularly. We were made to feel most welcome. On our second night someone suggested dinner out, so Betty took a head count and made reservations. My impression was that this is kind of routine and that Betty has considerable clout in making reservations. That I suppose is just good business, but it was effective! This night we went to Dupuy's and had some excellent seafood. There were several good eateries and some other things in the area to do. We walked Abbeville Square and visited the catholic church and cemetery which was interesting. There are swamp tours and Tabasco factories to tour, lots of fishing, and much more according to Betty and her people. The day we left the group was going to a nearby town ( ? ) for breakfast. I think that something I read about Betty's had it right. This is an RV park about Betty and her people, not an RV park about RV sites.

We enjoyed our stay and may or may not go back. But I think that speaks more to us than to Betty's. Maybe we're just not as social as some. We would have liked a little more elbow room. And if I do send this to Betty like I promised, I would add that maybe once a week she could have a "Welcome" social hour. A time to introduce the newcomers to the regulars with introductions and all, and go over some of the things to do and places to do them.

Randy and Kat from Sam Houston Jones


If you need a haircut make certain you go to Mouton Cove down hwy 82 and visit Sam's barber shop. Sam is Sabrina MacDonald who named her shop using initials because she thought men might not come in to a lady barber. She is a kick and a great barber!

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