Now for the real news. Kat finally talked me into another cat. We picked up a Black DSH (domestic short hair) on the 23rd from the Arizona Humane Society. Good deal too. I guess this is kitten season and they have an overabundance of cats right now. They are taking donations on any cat adoption. We opted for a locator chip which was $25 and gave a $25 donation. Still a good deal and we didn’t go there knowing that, but it was a nice extra incentive. HARRY !!; his kennel name, is a very handsome with shiny black coat with two white spots on tummy and chest, although not visible standing, 4 year old (Best guess) male. Even declawed front and back. Mild mannered and as I said quite handsome. The introduction process is difficult for Jade. She is being a real bitch so far. Not surprising if you know Jade. But it’s a done deal and she’ll have to get over it. She’s showing a little progress and Harry is trying and I’m good with it. The first night we locked Jade in the bedroom with us but now they’re having to make do. We did put out another food and water dish and temporary potty box. But now there sharing, Jade, reluctantly.
You may be handsome but.. OH Jade Wanna play???
I think the name is Murphy although that is not cast in stone. Jake was in the lead for a while but we also have thought Tank, Angus (Gus) Abrams (the Army tank) and a few others. Big Guy gets used a lot as does Hey Handsome and just plain ol’ Murph. Jade has other thoughts but they’re not for use in polite society. She is still into hissing and spitting. And she is not declawed. Murph respects her limits mostly. But sometimes he can’t seem to resist. Yesterday he trapped her in the litter box and didn’t want to let her out. You should have heard that one. Sometimes he just runs up to play or say Hi! They keep getting closer and closer. Jade too! She was playing with his tail a couple of days ago when it was swinging down from the dash and he had his back turned. So….. It’s not a problem but they are not ‘Best Buds’ as of yet. Jade still spends lots of time outside until she turns into Coyote bait but Murph is an inside man. Mr. Inside and Mrs. Outside. And Jade has taken to sleeping above my head on the pillow, for protection I think. Its OK unless Murph gets too close and then I hide under the covers. Jade is my girlfriend still and Murph is really attached to Kat. He even paws the bathroom door when she’s in there. The good news is that Kat has her cat boyfriend and it seems to be a good fit and real easy.
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