Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I don’t think it’s a secret that I had prostate cancer and was treated in early 2007 and cleared. I must have mentioned somewhere in the ‘Blog’ that it returned as a metastatic tumor and the hormone therapy I’m on causes ‘hot flashes’, and I apologized for all the kidding I gave friends and family subject to those ‘hot flashes’. They can be a #@%@. Well now it has spread a little and has somewhat of a different signature so they have decided I need ‘chemo’. Not an exciting prospect but if I expect to live to be 125 and get killed by a jealous boyfriend, and I do, then it becomes a necessary procedure. My oncology Doc says what I am getting should be ‘well tolerated’. I was encouraged by that. I say ‘was’!! After two treatments I have learned that ‘tolerate well’ is a relative term. What it really means is that if you haven’t lost your hair or fingernails, you’re not puking your guts out, and don’t have blood pouring from at least three body orifices, then you are ‘tolerating’ chemo fairly well. OK, I’m mostly kidding! I don’t have any of that but I will be glad when the last of my 6 treatments is over. I have three treatments a month for two months and then a reevaluation. And I’m pretty sure my Doc was right. Not so bad but it’s still no fun. Each treatment is a 4 hour I.V. drip procedure with six bags of stuff. But I take a book and the I pod, and I’m really good at naps. Kat sits and watches and crochets or shops and gets us a sack lunch. All in all it has slowed me down but I am glad to have the treatment. This too will pass and I will be well! I can still carve and get around but spend more time in a prone position than I would like. No Pickleball or softball so far. I don’t feel up to that. I guess I could write more too. Oh joy !!!!!!
I’m guessing that this has been a pretty euphoric few days for the folks in Columbus, OH. First they sign Urban Meyer as the Buckeye football coach and then the basketball team really thumps Duke. But let them not be too over confident. They have a ways to go to catch the Ducks of Oregon. I guess you can surmise that I have now made the complete transition from Buckeye to Oregonian. I don’t even tan in the summer anymore. “I rust”!
Oh, just so there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind, as far as I am concerned, all the Occupy crowd can ‘eat @%$# and die. OK that may be a little harsh,………………. or not? Maybe it would be kinda’ cool if cities kicked them out and the gov’t stopped supporting them. Like Richmond where they charged the Tea Party for their rallies and let the Occupiers slide. I think I’ll write the Mayor a note on that one. Just for giggles!
I guess I’m going to have to blame chemo on my not getting this post out in a timely manner. I’m finding that the side effects of chemo are cumulative and maybe just a tad more difficult than I would like to admit. But I’ll stick with the original date which was a couple weeks ago and you’ll have to make allowances

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