Here is L’il Britches
These ‘hot flashes’ are getting ridiculous! I mentioned a couple of posts back that I get them as a result of the hormone therapy I’m on. But Damn !!!!!! After playing Pickleball I’m like a big ol’ willow tree after a rainstorm or somethin’. I have my own #@*&% drip line! And I get no sympathy from the ladies. I know paybacks are tough, but I never picked on anybody who was having hot flashes. “Give me a break.”
Friday night we went to see the VSO down at the McAllen Civic Center. That’s the Valley Symphony Orchestra. Bet you didn’t think they had any culture down here? I’ll admit you’re more likely to hear something more likely heard in Branson or maybe a Mariachi Band. But the fact is there is a rich history of music of all types in Mexico, mariachi included. There are differing opinions to the origin of the word. Some say it comes from the French word for marriage because that is the type of music played at weddings. But that seems unlikely because the word was in use before the French got here. More likely it comes from a native language, Coca; in this language mariachi is the name of the type of wood used to make the platform on which musicians would stand to perform. Betcha’ didn’t know that. Anyway there is an orchestra and they were pretty good. It was a night of show tunes. Mostly Mancini and Williams but some others mixed in. Star Wars, the Sound of Music, Pink Panther, Peter Gunn, etc.
But the Big News is that we……….. drum roll here…………….. got a new car! Hot Damn! Yup, the old Escort is/was getting old. Fifteen faithful years of towing was enough. We’d been thinking about it for a while. Had it down to a Honda CR-V and Ford Escape. We happened to drive by a Ford dealer on the way to Harlingen and decided to stop by on the way back. As happens with us when we do that kind of thing, all to often we come home with what they’re selling. But it wasn’t total impulse buying. Our questions and concerns were answered and they made us an offer we could hardly refuse. I’ve had good luck with Fords and they can be serviced anywhere. That is important to us because we’re all over the country and don’t want to be looking high and low for a service center. ( I know, you Ford haters are thinking, “that’s because they need it all the time”). It is towable four wheels down without any modification. That was a must! It is a real cool color. Gold Leaf to match the MH, and that was a huge. All kinds of bells and whistles that are foreign to me. I’m still learning automatic door locks and windows. The neighbors hope I learn not to hit the panic button, instead of the unlock button real soon (actually its kinda’ fun). Like I said, the Escort was 15 years old, what do I know of automatic door locks?
Holy Crap !!!!!!!! Now I think I’ve done it! I just got back from woodcarving and ask Kat how many teaspoons of sugar she put in my tea. I have a big ‘to go’ Starbucks container for coffee and tea and Kat is sweet and makes tea or coffee sometimes for me when she knows I’m leaving. Anyway, she says two teaspoons. “Two teaspoons!”, says I. “Sweetie I says, you know it’s a rather large cup and requires three! That was rather niggardly don’t you think?”! And now I’ve heard a terrible screeching of tires on pavement, the growling and barking of dogs and men. I think I hear the rattle of handcuffs and chains, and the beating of truncheons on hardened and calloused palms. I really fear it is the ‘thought police’ coming to drag me into the street and away to God only knows where never to be seen again or until their promise of ‘getting my mind right’ is complete. Keep me in your thoughts. I will return !! Whew!, that was close! It was just a couple of pinheaded bureaucratic pencil necks and Jade and I cleaned up on’em.
Ain’t I awful ???
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