Sunday, July 1, 2007

Before the Rally

As I have said, July was "Rally" month for us. But we had to hang around for a while before they started.

Because it is summer and about a 'zillion' RV's are headed this way for the "Grand National Rally" in Redmond Or. we made some advance reservations where we could. That started in Milo McIver state park. It's just down the road from Clackamas and Oregon City. We did some relaxing, got some sun, did a little walking and some reading. All that retired RV'ing stuff we're supposed to be doing. McIver is on the Clackamas river which is home to a substantial population of Ospreys. I sat on the river bank for a time one afternoon and watched an Ospery dive for fish. They fly into the wind along the river at maybe 50' and look for fish. At times they will come to almost a hover and when they see something they fold their wings and dive straight down into the water. Most of the time as I watched they were coming up with what I assumed was a trout. Hard to tell exactly? Then they would fly off to eat. Fun to watch!

Woodburn was next. Woodburn is near the heart of the Willamette valley and as a result very much an agricultural center. It's also home to a decent RV park with a pool that happens to be right next to the Woodburn Factory Stores. Guess who went to the pool and who went shopping. Need I say more?

Then it was LaPine State Park. When we pulled into the park we realized our reservations were for the same site we had stayed at coming through here from Goose Lake. Jade liked it! She knew where to hide and watch the chipmunks. We did some bike riding and walking. But this is where Kat started to suffer from sciatica.

We went to the lava cave and didn’t make it all the way in. Maybe it’s really called a lava tube. They’re tubes (go figure) that lava flowed through and then receded to leave a long tunnel (Of course that was a couple bazillion years ago). I think in this case it may be a quarter to a half mile long? I did the whole distance a long time ago but can’t remember for sure. Anyway we couldn’t do the cave so we went to Bend and did dinner and a movie. We saw the latest Bourne movie. Pretty good but of course nothing like the book. The books are great! Just a side note there.

We also drove up to Newbury Crater and National Volcanic Monument (or something like that). Newbury crater is home to East and Paulina lakes and a couple of campgrounds. In the last few years, since it became Federal, they have made several improvements to the area. There’s a huge obsidian flow in the area. Just lot’s of things to do and look at if you’re into the outdoors.

Another day, and on the advice of the Park Ranger, we drove a couple miles up a dirt road to see some waterfalls. The trip and the falls were good but not something to write home about. The dust however was memorable. We got back to pavement with enough dust on the bumper to grow potatoes. That was after getting up to speed and trying blow some of it off. Of course “up to speed” in our little “toad” maybe not be enough to blow much dust off. For those of you not in the know a “toad” is a car towed behind a motorhome.

Our last stop before the big event was Sun Rocks, a private park south of Prineville not too far from the reservoir and state park. And only about 45 minutes from Redmond and the site of the “Rally”. This was just a few days in a 3rd rate RV park. This close to the Grand National Rally in time and space we couldn’t be picky about where to stay. We were seeing motorhomes from all over the country. But Sun Rocks did have a first rate pool and we both got lots of pool and sun time. Kat was even getting into it. We have already started to make reservations for next years Rally in Perry, Georgia. But before that, IT’S ON TO THE “RALLY”.

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