In order to understand this you might want to read the previous post, if you have not.
The trip to San Antonio was uneventful. Just an easy trip up I-35. We didn’t pick the best RV park but it was the most reasonably priced and only 12 miles to Audie Murphy hospital where we had to go, and that is why we came here. If you remember that was by order of my PCP, Dr Barriero, in McAllen. She was concerned about some perineal fluid retention or some such that was found in my latest CT scan. So we got to San Antonio, set up real quick and drove to Audie Murphy. We probably waited about 4 hours in emergency, but it was ‘emergency’ so we were kind of prepared. I was checked out, got an X-ray, peed in the cup, gave about 8 pints of blood and then waited around. Fortunately I had a copy of my CT scan report so that helped the doctor understand the situation. My kidneys are always of concern because of the uretal stents. AND !! Ta Da and a drum roll. My kidneys are fine. As the doctor said, “they are functioning properly, perfect”. I do have another infection though. Urinary tract this time. Before it was kidney, and before that it was bladder, or visa versa? So I got an antibiotic and we were released after a total of 8 hours. I do have to go back and see the urologist today, but that shouldn’t be a big deal I think. We’ll have to let you know on that score. But, as usual we were treated well and had no complaints.
Speaking of being treated well; both Kat and I are amazed at our send off from Bentsen Grove. Even before that there were the many and continuous offers of help, support, and kind thoughts from all of our neighbors and friends. Speaking mostly for me, there just aren’t better people than those in the woodcarving group. Once again you made me feel like a Rock Star. I know Kat has similar feelings for her craft group friends as well. We will keep in touch and make every effort to get back in the fall. So for those who get this, please share our thoughts and thanks for those who didn’t.
And now I can report that we will resume our trip west in the morning. I saw the urologist in Audie Murphy and he says this whole kerfuffle (need some help on spelling there) about retaining fluid and a urinary tract infection weren’t worth the effort. We’re taking is opinion. “JACKS UP”