Since I’m starting this on Christmas Day I’m guessing it won’t be read until after Christmas. So….. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas; if you were looking for a Happy Holidays, you’ll have to go to another Blog. No political correctness here. Not a chance! I will go out of my way to avoid being PC. If you want PC go to CNN (the Commie News Network, or maybe MSLSD, any of the networks will work too. But back to Christmas.
We couldn’t wait to open gifts and not having kids around to so as not to spoil the belief in Santa Claus, we opened our gifts last night. I got a really neat set of wireless headphones so I can hear the TV while Kat plunks away on her laptop and doesn’t have to sit under a blaring TV. Hooked it up and it really works well. I would recommend it highly to all of you old guys out there who have the same trouble. You can even go to the bathroom and keep listening in case you miss something and need to hit the back button on your DVR. It’s not at all like the same thing I had tried from Radio Shack. Not knocking RS, it’s just that this set works. Name of Sennheiser. I got it working really easy but I do have to do a better job of hiding what little wire there is. Then I got a folder to keep all of my medical stuff in for when we go to the MD’s. I carry current things like appointments, vouchers, new records and stuff. Just a good thing to keep it tidy. Actually I had a better one, sorry Kat, but I lost it for being too slow to use it. Kat bought it for me but then absconded with it before I put it to use. She figured it was really neat for all her crocheting and knitting patterns and stuff. I guess it was kinda’ my fault, but I do think she took advantage of a sick old man in this case.
I got Kat a little crank up flashlight in the shape of a Black Kat. She just has a thing for cats you understand. She was giggling as soon as she started to open it all the way thru seeing how it worked. I felt like it was a real hit. Actually that was from me and Jade. Santa brought her a pearl Tennis Bracelet. Kat says that it can’t be a Tennis Bracelet because its pearl and it has three strands. I maintain that it is, but as long as she likes it I don’t care. Moot point! Correction. She found out it is in fact a tennis bracelet.
27 ??? Twenty Seven ??? I typed that in below what I was working on to remind me of something and now I don’t have the foggiest? Let me know if you figure it out and I’ll finish it. Old Timers or CRS?
Christmas day was the potluck and we did that. We have sign up sheets for about 4 different potluck groups that probably total somewhere around 400 folks. You may remember there were 337 for Thanksgiving. I’m sure a few more folks got here for Christmas. We took Creamed Peas and Potatoes and a Seven Layer salad. Kat made the Peas and I did the salad. I have been informed by family and friends at our table that I will return to my standard of Scalloped Potatoes for all future potlucks. OK! It’s nice to be appreciated. And it’s just as well. I sure ain’t doing no Seven Layer salads again. It must be a West Coast thing. Like I said we don’t have any West Coasters here that I’m aware of. It’s all Mid-Westerners. Maybe a more meat and potatoes, green beans and corn, and Jello salad crowd. I say that because by the time we got to the chow line somebody had stirred my Seven layers into One. And I think that was after they dirty picked the bacon and cheese and topping. Now I wonder if I can send this to my whole list of recipients. But I’m sure it wasn’t anyone I know so I guess I’m safe. And I’m just kind of kidding anyway. Although it is a true story.
So now I will wish you all a Happy New Year and get this off.