I just made some scones and clotted cream to go with them. HMMMMM !!!! But we didn’t have raspberry jam. Damn! Still awfully good though. I don’t know if I had ever tried clotted cream before, and maybe there are different recipes? Don’t know? The recipe I had is from Linda here in San Antonio. Our friends from Mission. Her recipe calls for cream cheese, heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. I’ve heard and read about it but don’t really know if I’ve had any. But, now that I have, I will again. But I do need some raspberry jam. Aw man! Now I’ve done it. I just flashed back to freezer jam in Oregon. Sister in Law Heather got me started on strawberry and raspberry freezer jam and it’s just about that time of year back home. And nobody has raspberries and strawberries like the Northwest. I use to make quite a bit. Oh well !!! I guess it would be pointless to say ‘send freezer jam’.
So if you have been following the news you probably know more about tornados than you wanted to and have been keeping an eye on the weather and the location of friends and family. Who wouldn’t? And my heart goes out. But I was going to mention Israel and Netanyahu. Somehow I don’t think Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be on the Obama Christmas card list. But as a couple of people have said from the media that I listen to, ”maybe we can find a birth certificate for Netanyahu somewhere in Hawaii”? Just a thought I know, but wouldn’t it be nice. Our choices seem to be narrowing. It’s not ‘blowing my dress up’ but maybe it will work out. Who knows, maybe the girls will get in the race. Pawlenty doesn’t seem too bad, and Herman Cain is certainly interesting. Not qualified enough for you? Maybe that’s exactly what we need. Somebody not qualified enough to get advice from somebody who is, and not so freaking egotistical that they can’t. And there is nobody on the Republican list, no matter how far down, who is not more qualified and less egotistical than Obama was at this point in the last election process. My political affiliation is still ‘Tea Party’ so I’m hopeful the girls will get in.
I was cogitating on Israel and all that yesterday and got to thinking of what I know, how I know what I know, and where the process got its start. Almost has to be from Leon Uris and “Exodus”. Then I got to thinking about some other books by Uris and others that would be good to reread. Stuff like ‘Mila 18’. ‘Armageddon’, and then ‘Winds of War’ and ‘War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk. Care to join me???
We are still at Stone Creek. I had my preliminary check up for cataract surgery last Tuesday. All is well in that I am a good candidate and on the schedule to have it done on my right eye. I’m going to South Texas Eye Institute and the VA is footing the bill. I have the second appointment for measurements and things on the 9th and the actual surgery on the 20th. I am really looking forward to it. I’m not a complainer I don’t think, but it is just getting hard to see clearly. If I close my left eye it’s literally like looking at the world through the bottom of a Pepsi bottle. I’d say Coke bottle but they’re green. It’s getting bad enough that Kat is doing most of the driving and I’m not doing a lot of finish carving. The fine details are getting difficult. I think the weather is causing some allergy problems too, but it is surprising how quickly my vision has seemed to deteriorate. My doctor is a nice 30ish lady that on first blush I can trust. So I’m ready. On the prostate issue I have a CT scan on the 14th at Audie Murphy and then a consult with my doctor on the 22nd to go over . Maybe then we can do a little traveling. That would be nice.