That’s corpse if you speak Obamaese. To steal a line, “I don’t care who you are that’s funny there”. We have a president who can’t pronounce ‘corps’. How would Dan Quayle or George Bush be treated if they said corpse for corps?????? Ya’ think!!! But I’ll drop it there. You all probably know where I stand on all of that.
We have spent the last couple of weeks in Alabama and now Georgia at Corps of Engineers parks. Isaac Creek, Six Mile, Holiday. In Alabama it was the Alabama River Lakes system which is 245 miles long with 35000 acres of water 12000 acres of land and now in Georgia its West Point Lake, right on the Georgia/Alabama border. All of it is pretty nice and peaceful and we’ve met some real nice folks. Just another segment of living the RV lifestyle.
We stopped in Montgomery too see Uncle Charlie and Aunt June. Charlie was 96 just a little short of 97 at the time and doing OK. Aunt June requires in home care now but they are managing. We took Charlie out for lunch and had a good visit. Charlie was studying the menu and trying with some difficulty to pick something healthy and I had to think to myself, “Holy Cow Charlie you are 96 years old, does it really matter”. “Eat something totally unhealthy!” But then I had to reflect on my own circumstance regarding smoking. Way back maybe 20 years ago when I quit, I said that when I reach 65 years of age I would start smoking again and have steak and eggs fried in axle grease every morning for breakfast because 65 was old enough, and besides it would probably take another 10-15 years to do me in anyway. That’s plenty old enough! Well I passed that benchmark a couple of years ago and still don’t smoke and eat more granola for breakfast than steak or bacon. Maybe Charlie has the right idea?!
We have spent the last couple of weeks in Alabama and now Georgia at Corps of Engineers parks. Isaac Creek, Six Mile, Holiday. In Alabama it was the Alabama River Lakes system which is 245 miles long with 35000 acres of water 12000 acres of land and now in Georgia its West Point Lake, right on the Georgia/Alabama border. All of it is pretty nice and peaceful and we’ve met some real nice folks. Just another segment of living the RV lifestyle.
We stopped in Montgomery too see Uncle Charlie and Aunt June. Charlie was 96 just a little short of 97 at the time and doing OK. Aunt June requires in home care now but they are managing. We took Charlie out for lunch and had a good visit. Charlie was studying the menu and trying with some difficulty to pick something healthy and I had to think to myself, “Holy Cow Charlie you are 96 years old, does it really matter”. “Eat something totally unhealthy!” But then I had to reflect on my own circumstance regarding smoking. Way back maybe 20 years ago when I quit, I said that when I reach 65 years of age I would start smoking again and have steak and eggs fried in axle grease every morning for breakfast because 65 was old enough, and besides it would probably take another 10-15 years to do me in anyway. That’s plenty old enough! Well I passed that benchmark a couple of years ago and still don’t smoke and eat more granola for breakfast than steak or bacon. Maybe Charlie has the right idea?!